About The Farm
Little Rodmore Farm is a 60 acres organic farm set in the heart of The Blackmore Vale. With views over beautiful Dorset farmland and with no light pollution, on a clear night one can really appreciate the stars.
The farm is in the higher level stewardship scheme - Natural England. The objectives of which include, Wildlife conservation, Maintenance and enhancement of landscape quality and character, Natural resource protection, Protection of the historic environment and the Promotion of public access and understanding of the countryside. Therefore, much of our all grass farm is traditional hay meadows which have not been ploughed for over 100 years. As a result it is a beautiful habitat for many different types of butterflies, moths and insects. In fact, Little Rodmore Farm is currently under management for the very rare Brown Hair Streak Butterfly with all the hedges on a three year rotational cut as the butterfly’s ideal habitat is one year old black thorn, which all of our hedges contain in high proportions. For this reason we also ask our campers not to remove any of the wood from the hedgerows or woodland for fire wood as it should be left to rot down creating an ideal habitat for many native insects.
We also encourage wildlife with our beetle banks along our hedges, these are 1 metre width grass and foliage which encourages small mammals such as field mice. We have three natural wildlife ponds, one of which is home to Great Crested Newts. All of our ponds are surrounded by willow trees which are pollarded, traditionally every seven years to make thatching spars, hayricks and firewood which also helps in encouraging new growth.
The farm is a haven for deer, foxes, squirrels, the occasional hedgehog and a huge array of different birds. It is not uncommon to find herds of deer enjoying the dewy grass early in the morning, we have a family of deer who have been producing triplets for many years and we have taken great pleasure in spotting a Doe and her three fawns during the spring time.
In addition to encouraging wildlife and in keeping with our ethos of conservation and protecting the countryside we run a recycling centre for farm plastics. Therefore on you way into the campsite you may see stack of plastic bales- this is collected regularly and recycled into items such as garden chairs.